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Streaming / "Let's Play" Policies

You're free to publish & monetize any streamed / recorded footage of these games, provided it's your own content.
In return, you're only asked to link to the games' store pages to help out.
If you do upload or stream footage of these games, kindly refrain from engaging in any politics / drama / slander at the time.
Nobody's going to STOP you from doing these things; It's only a request for the sake of peace.

Review Copy Policies
You may qualify for free "review copy" keys, under certain conditions:

1) You are over 20 years old.
2) You have a sizeable following on video / stream platforms.

  • This is largely down to the company's discretion, but an example is having Twitch partner status.

3) You agree to be unbiased - You won't be "paid for good reviews".

  • You're expected to be as honest, critical, and objective as you like, so that the games can be improved.

4) You have a positive social media presence and don't engage in drama or harassment.
5) You aren't affiliated with any political organizations or video game "journalism" sites.

To inquire about a free review copy, please send an e-mail to with the subject "Review Key".
Please i
nclude your relevant video / stream / social media links, and a brief accompanying statement.

All original content in this website © 2024 Abyzou Interactive™.
These productions depict dark, mature subjects & themes viewers may find distressing and / or disturbing, only intended for adults.
Any & all fictional characters depicted in erotic scenarios are intended to be over the age of 18 in canon.
Content in these productions does not automatically reflect the beliefs or desires of anyone involved.

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